Your first schedule takes the longest to set up – once you have defined your shifts for the first week, you can then copy (Import) it into future weeks and make any necessary changes and use AutoFill to get the best work assignments for the new week.
The easiest way to get your first schedule into our system is to enter one of your previously scheduled weeks.
Be sure you have entered your Positions and set which Positions each employee can work. You are then ready to enter your first schedule which can be the basis for future weeks.
Note you also can Upload a file of shifts if you have one.
There are two ways to add shifts manually
1. Use the By Employee View and click a cell
From any Page:
- In top menu, hover over SCHEDULES and choose By Employee (recommended for creating and editing your schedules)
- Click Week> to navigate to the week you want
- Click the cell that corresponds to the employee and day you want to add a shift (the cursor turns to plus sign) to open the Quick Shift ADD window
- Click the Select a Position down arrow and choose a position
- Add a Start and End Time for the shift – Enter time with ‘a’ or ‘p’ after it to indicate AM or PM. (Ex. 815a), or military time (Ex. 2215). You can enter any times you like down to the minute (the times can later be changed to reflect actual time worked if you like).
- Paid Hours – (Duration) – if the shift includes unpaid lunch or break time you can uncheck the Auto Calculate box and enter the paid hours for this shift. (Ex. 8am to 5pm with an hour lunch, enter 8 paid hours)
- Check off any other days of the week to add this shift – to quickly add the same shift for this employee on those days
- Click Add Shift button
Make a mistake? If you need to change any shift, you can drag/drop it to another day or employee, or click the shift to change the times, position, or employee assigned or to delete it. Or you can use the Grid View to make changes to more than one shift at a time. To copy a shift use Ctrl drag/drop.
2. Adding Shifts using the Add Shifts button
Optional information that can be entered for any shift
Optional Description – Can be displayed with the shift on the schedules (Ex. if there are special instructions to the employee, break / lunch times, location notes, or meeting times and is included in notification emails.)
Optional Category – If you have shifts with similar begin and end times over multiple Positions, or if you have other reasons to use Categories, you can click the Category drop down and choose “Add/Edit Categories” to create Categories. (Ex. if you have similar night shifts for different positions, you can create a NIGHT category and enter defaults so that when you Add Shifts, you can first choose that Category and the fields will be pre-populated – but changeable – for you in the Shift Change window).
To add an “Unassigned shift” – Click the Add Shifts button at the top of the schedule (or click on a day in the highlighted unassigned shifts row at the top of the schedule) and leave the employee assigned set to “None – Unassigned”.
add,Add Shifts,assign,category,multiple,shift text,description,initially, client,create,times,time period,auto calc, autocalc,meal break,schedule,schedule Set up shifts adding schedule to a calendar new schedule creating a calendar add shifts create a schedule how to create a schedule