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Remove My Logo / Trouble with Logo

When you upload a logo it is resized to be 150 pixels wide in our displays. If your graphic shape scales tall it can cause the header to be tall on your printouts.  You can resize your logo to have whitespace on the sides or send your logo to with your account number and we can try to help you resolve any issues.


If you uploaded a logo and would now like to remove the logo from your account, you can upload a blank graphic to replace it.

If you right click the link below, you can download a blank file to your computer (likely you will find it on your “Downloads” folder):

Right click here and choose ‘Save link as’ or ‘download’

Then go to your SETTINGS>Company/My Info page and upload that clearlogo.gif graphic to your account to replace the current logo.

If you have any trouble with this process, email and we’ll be happy to help.


remove logo, blank delete logo graphic  no logo print  smaller header