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How far in advance can I schedule?

Trial users can create schedules only one month into the future.  If you are a trial user and need to schedule further into the future, please use the Contact WhenToWork link at the bottom of your home page with a request, and we will be happy to lift that restriction for you.

Paid users can create schedules as far into the future as they like. We normally do not recommend creating schedules more than a month or two ahead. Each week you should Import a previous week or template, AutoFill to get the best assignments, and then Publish to make it available to employees online.

This ensures that the template or week you are Importing is up-to-date with recent changes, and that your employee’s preferences are up-to-date as well.  If you have created schedules well in advance and then something changes (for instance, a particular shift is shortened, or an employee is promoted to a different position, etc.) then you must navigate to each scheduled week to change the shifts.  Because we do not provide a means of ‘bulk editing’ batches of shifts for more than one week, we recommend that you Import an up-to-date schedule each week as you go along.


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