In our system, managers can create the shifts they need filled, and employees can sign in and request to pick up the shifts they’d like to work.
To set up an Open Schedule where the managers create the shifts:
Add your initial set of shifts, leaving them unassigned.
If you go to Settings>Global Employee Permissions, you’ll want to set the Tradeboard option for Picking Up Unassigned shifts to ‘at will’ (without needing approval) or ‘with manager approval’ (meaning a manager has to approve each request). Note, if you use the ‘at will’ option then any pickup request that would put the employee over their maximum hours per week will require manager approval.
You can set ‘Can see UNASSIGNED SHIFTS on Everyone’s Schedule views’ to either YES or NO.
After Publishing
When you ‘Publish’ a schedule week, any Unassigned shifts will appear on the employee Tradeboard for that week, allowing them to click on the Unassigned shifts they want and request to pick them up. Also, any employees who set up notifications for when shifts they can work come onto the tradeboard will instantly be notified that shifts are available.
When ready to choose an employee
When you are ready to assign shifts you can go to the Trades>Pending Trades page and for each shift you can see a list of who has offered to pick up each shift in order of who offered first. You can choose to approve one employee and they will be notified about the new assignment and also the denied employees will also be notified.
work system that we can have employees BID on