Publish an “Open” Schedule – Allow employees to Pick Up Unassigned Shifts Online
You can publish a schedule with some or all of your shifts open (unassigned) and have the employees sign into their account and self schedule by choosing shifts off the Tradeboard. This method is used by many volunteer organizations.
To have open shifts appear on the Employee Tradeboard after Publishing:
From any page:
- In the top menu, hover over SETTINGS and choose Global Employee Permissions
- Scroll down to the Tradeboard permissions section and for “20. Can see & pickup UNASSIGNED SHIFTS“. Choose the setting you prefer: “At will” or “With manager approval”
- Optional – set to allow employees to not only view open shifts on the Tradeboard, but also see the open shifts on “8. “Everyone’s Schedule” and “9. Can see UNASSIGNED SHIFTS on Everyone’s Schedule views”
- Click the Save button
Tradeboard settings have three options:
“Never” – Employees cannot see or pick up Unassigned shifts.
“With Manager Approval” – Employees can see Unassigned shifts on the Tradeboard and can submit a request to pick them up. When they click to request to pick up a shift, the request is sent to the manager for approval. (More than one employee can request to pick up the same Unassigned shift and they will see the number of other requests that have already been submitted for that shift). The manager views the requests, listed in the order they were recieved, and selects one to approve. Upon approval by the manager, that employee is notified and scheduled to work the shift and it is then removed from the Tradeboard.
Employees can cancel their own shift pick up request at any time before manager has denied or approved it, using the “Cancel This Request” link on their TRADES page.
“At Will” – Employees can see Unassigned shifts on the Tradeboard and immediately pick them up if they are under the maximum hours per week that you have set for them. Note: If picking up an unassigned shift would put the employee over their maximum hours per week, it is sent to the manager for approval. In this case, the shift remains on the Tradeboard (showing that there is a request) and another employee (not over their maximum hours per week) can take the shift and it is immediately assigned to them and removed from the Tradeboard.
Depending on your choices, employees can then see unassigned shifts on their Everyone’s Schedule views and also on the Tradeboard they will see open shifts for the positions that they can work on publisihed weeks.
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