We recommend using our mobile version by pointing your phone browser to m.w2w.com.
Sign in and bookmark the menu page and then add it to your homescreen to run it like an app.
If you instead prefer to use the regular version of WhenToWork on your phone, we recommend the following ideas to improve your display.
Two possible methods for using our regular sign in on a Blackberry:
Try these instructions on your Blackberry to enable Javascript. This may enable you to use our regular sign in:
To configure your BlackBerry Browser:
- On the handheld’s Home screen, click the BlackBerry Browser icon.
- Click the trackwheel, and select Options.
- Select Browser Configuration. The Browser Configuration screen will appear.
- To enable or disable support for a particular feature, check the appropriate box:
* To enable support for HTML tables, check the Support HTML Tables box and click Change Option.
* To enable support for style sheets, check the Support Style Sheets box and click Change Option.
* To enable support for JavaScript, check the Support JavaScript box and click Change Option.Note: If the Support JavaScript checkbox does not appear on the Browser Configuration screen, it might appear on the General Properties screen. In the browser options, click General Properties. If the Support JavaScript checkbox does not appear on either screen, verify that the JavaScript Package checkbox is selected in Application Loader. If it is not available, contact your service provider to verify that JavaScript is supported.
When the checkbox is selected, support for that feature is enabled.
- To save your changes, click the trackwheel and then click Save Options.
Some users have reported visiting http://mini.opera.com via Blackberry device and downloading the program which seems to give full access via the regular sign in.