How do I add rotations – ‘x’ days on, ‘x’ days off?
Our system does NOT automatically rotate your assignments based on any fixed pattern, and therefore will most likely not meet your needs if this is a requirement for your scheduling.
In our system, to achieve rotations would mean creating weekly templates of the various possible ‘x’ days on ‘x’ days off rotations for the employees and then importing those templates in a rotating order each week.
You can create templates by going to your SCHEDULES section, navigating to any week, entering the shifts & assignments you want to save, then click the Save Template button and give the template a name like ‘Week1.’
Then you can change the shifts & assignments on that week (or just navigate to a new week), modify the assignments to match the second template you want to save, click the Save Template button again and give the new template a new name like ‘Week2’, etc.
When you want to copy in the shifts from your template, you can navigate to the week you want to create, click our IMPORT button, and choose the appropriate saved template for that rotational week.
You can always see which template was imported using the “Schedule History” link at the bottom right of the schedule.
5-5-4 554 AUTO ROTATE SCHEDULE 6 week schedule