It is NOT possible to send attached files through the W2W messaging system, nor do we plan on adding this feature in the future due to the large storage volume it would require, and to the increased potential for spam/viruses concerns.
Recommended alternatives:
- You may put limited details in the shift description, or in the schedule notes section
- Print a PDF file and send by email directly from your email program
- Print a PDF file and upload to your own website or to an online file space. Then include a link in the shift description, weekly schedule notes or on the employee homepage notice.
If you need to regularly send employees attached files, you can try the following: you could create a PDF of the details you want to share and post it to your company’s website (as a hidden page) and include a link to that page on the ’employee homepage notice’. That way the employee can simply click on the link to bring up your website page of the document. More details on Home Page Notices:
attach a document Can a video message be sent through messaging on WTW can you send pictures can you send pictures send pdf message