Managers with permission to “Approve / Deny Time Off Requests” can also set a rolling Time Off Block window.
This blocks employees from being able to request time off on certain dates based on a window of time you set up. This can be helpful if you require a certain amount of notice or if you want to prevent them from asking for time off too far in advance.
For example, if you require one week notice for time off then set “Advanced Notice” to 7. This will mean employees cannot ask for a date off that is less than 7 days in future.
And for example, if you do not want employees asking for dates off more than a year in advance then set “Not to far in advance” to 365 days. This will automatically block employees from asking for time off dates more than a year in the future.
Set a Rolling Block Window
In the top menu under Time Off choose Time Off Blocked Days.
Click the Set Rolling Block Window link to open that window and set up your day in advance and to cap future.
Note that setting a rolling block has no effect on already pending or approved time off. It simply prevents employees from asking for those dates in the future.
black out days