Shifts can be deleted (and deleted shifts can be viewed and restored) by managers with permission to Add/Edit/Delete Shifts.
Normally it is best to use the By Employee Schedule View to edit, delete, clone or assign shifts because it allows you to quickly make changes without the page reloading. To delete a shift on that view, you can click the shift, and click the DELETE Shift button in the upper left. Deleted shifts can later be restored if needed.
To delete more than one shift, it may be more convenient to use the Grid View or the Sortable List schedule view.
To Delete a Shift using other Weekly Schedule Views:
From any weekly schedule view (except the By Employee):
- Click on any shift to open the Shift Change window
- Make whatever changes are needed
- Click the DELETE Shift button in the top left of the window to delete the shift
- Click Yes
- The window will close and the schedule view will be updated
- If the shift was on a published week, any affected employee may be automatically notified.
delete a shift take away a shift delete shift delete delete delete delete a shift delete a shift delete a shift “delete a shift” deleting work time REMOVE SHIFT cancel shift Cancel Shifts