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Category Defaults – position, time, color etc.

When adding Categories, you can set the “Add Shifts Default Color.” Then when you Add New Shifts and choose that Category, the Color will automatically be set to that default color. You can always change the Color of an individual shift by changing it in the Color dropdown. 

Create a new Category with Add Shift Default Settings:

From any Schedule View: 

  • In the Category dropdown, choose Add/Edit Categories 
  • Enter the Category Name and Abbreviation (Ex. Night Shifts and NT) 
  • Enter any default Color or other options you like in the lower box 
  • Click the Add button 
  • The window remains open for you to add more Categories – when done, close the window to go back to your schedule

Changing the Add Shift Default Settings of an Existing Category:

From any Schedule View: 

  • In the Category dropdown, choose Add/Edit Categories 
  • Scroll down to the bottom section – Edit Current Categories 
  • In the dropdown, choose the Category name to edit 
  • The Category details will appear below 
  • Choose the Default Color you want from the dropdown 
  • Click the Save button 

Now when you click Add Shifts on any Schedule View and choose this Category, your default color will be automatically entered for you (any of the default information can be changed). 


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