On your SETTINGS> Global Employee Permissions page if you let employees trade shifts or drop/pickup shifts “At Will,” they can simply trade shifts without manager approval. Employees can post a shift to the Tradeboard and if someone agrees to trade or pick it up, then the schedule is automatically updated without manager involvement.
If you allow pick up of unassigned shifts “At Will”, employees can pick up shifts up to their set maximum hours per week – any shift putting them over their maximum hours per week will be sent to the manager for approval.
NOTE: if you allow Trades, Drop (Cover), and Private trades “At Will” our system will not stop an employee from requesting a trade that would put them over maximums. So you can either periodically run Analyze to see if any conflicts have arisen or you can always require “Manager Approval” for trades so that a manager can check each trade to be sure it will not put the employees over maximums.
Drop/Cover Shifts
Normally Employees cannot drop (unassign themselves) from a shift unless another employee first agrees to take it. (Or you can let Employees unassign themselves from shifts without a replacement on your SETTINGS> Global Employee Permissions page) using Permission #19.
Example: Employee John wants to drop a shift. He logs in and clicks on his shift and chooses to place it on the Tradeboard as a “drop only.”
Jane sees his shift on the Tradeboard and clicks on the shift and agrees to pick up his shift. If you allow drops “At Will,” the schedule would then reflect Jane as assigned to that shift.
If you allow drops only with “Manager Approval,” then the shift is left on the Tradeboard and a pending trade request notification is sent to the manager and is also displayed in the “What’s New” section of the Manager Home Page and on the “Pending Trades” page. Other employees can offer to pick it up in the meantime.
To track who picked up or dropped each shift, click the shift in any schedule view and then click the Shift History link in the upper right.
drop drop drop shifts open shift requests