If you ever experience slow system speeds this normally is due to your network or connection. It is possible that your internet service provider is experiencing a delay, and if so, this should resolve itself.
If you continue to have slow speeds, please email us at support@when2work.com and we can check things on your account for you.
On rare occasions a server may experience a heavier load than usual. Our techs will work to balance it and restore your service to normal speeds if they find that is the case.
In the meantime, these general tips may help you accomplish your work more quickly:
To edit a shift’s general information, use the “By Employee” schedule view and click on the shift to bring up the “Quick Shift Edit” which has no delay and changes are saved without the page reloading.
Also use the “By Employee” schedule view to click on an employee’s date cell to use “Quick Shift Add” popup to quickly add a new shift without having to refresh your schedule page.
To edit the assignment or day of a shift, use the “By Employee” schedule view to Drag and Drop your shifts which is also instantaneous and does not require a screen refresh.
Also, you can use Ctrl-Drag to make copies of shifts quickly without refreshing your page. (On a Mac, that will require Alt-Drag or Shift-Drag).
Use the Add Shifts button to add shifts to your schedule, and take advantage whenever appropriate of the options to add multiple shifts to multiple days and multiple employees (by Ctrl-Clicking employee names) when the same shift is needed.
Some schedule views have a “Refresh after every change” option in the Information section at the bottom of the page which you can uncheck to have your additions and changes saved like normal but your screen display will not automatically refresh until you click the Refresh button.
Avoid using the high information displays, like “Availability” schedule view (which loads all employee preference, time off, and schedule data for each Position), and if possible, use the Position and/or Category filters to reduce loading unneeded data.
For quick information or just checking status, our mobile version at m.w2w.com for use on any smartphone does allow for a quicker navigation and display of data if you are needing information when remotely accessing or on your phone.