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Tradeboard Shifts Missing

When a helper places a shift on the Tradeboard (for ‘Trade‘ or ‘Trade or Drop‘) and another helper makes an offer on that shift, the shift disappears from the Tradeboard to avoid multiple offers.  The trade offer is then sent back to the originating helper for approval.  If the helper approves the trade, it will be sent to coordinators for final approval.

During the interim, while the trade is awaiting helper approval, you can see it listed in the “Offers in Progress” section at the bottom of your Trades Awaiting Approval page.

Note that Unassigned shifts posted for pickup or shifts posted for ‘Drop Only’ do not require helper approval, and those shifts will sit on the Tradeboard collecting more offers, so that coordinators will be able to choose from various offers.

We avoid multiple offers for shift trades, but allow them for unassigned shift pickups and for “drop only” posts.

If there’s a shift that has disappeared in the midst of the trade process, it’s possible that a coordinator edited the shift in question.  If a shift’s date or time or position is changed, the edit is significant enough that the trade offer is cancelled.


once any helper requests to pick up that shift, the shift becomes unavailable for anyone else to pick it up