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Can I read helper messages?

How can I read an helper’s messages? (Signing in as “Read Only”)

Only the account main coordinator can view helper messages by logging into the helper view in “read only” mode.

Please see Signing In as Helper for details on signing into an helper’s account from their edit helper page.

This will allow you to view their account without affecting it in any way.

We put a notice on the helper accounts that coordinators can read messages because the main coordinator on the account has a link to ‘View Helper Interface‘ for every helper.  Through this link (in the Edit Helper screen), coordinators can have a view-only look at individual helper logins, and could read any messages in the Messages section if they desired to do so.

There is no way for coordinators to “actively monitor” every message sent by or to an helper, but main coordinators can use the “View Helper Interface” link at any time to read Messages in the Messaging section.  Please note that any deleted or unsaved messages by the helper are permanently deleted from the system after thirty days and cannot be viewed.

Helpers do not need to use our MESSAGING section at all if they prefer to use their own email system instead.  This would assure them that their messages would remain private.  

We do not recommend that helpers use the MESSAGING section for anything but work-related issues that should not be of concern for coordinators to read.  Private messages should not be sent through our system and you might recommend they use their own email for that type of correspondence.