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– Trades are Cleared When…

There are certain actions that will cause a pending Tradeboard post or offer to be removed in the WhenToHelp system. *Please note that whether the schedule is Published or Unpublished impacts which actions result in the clearing of pending offers.

On a Published Schedule, pending trade posts and offers will be cleared if:

  1. A coordinator changes the helper assigned to the shift.
  2. The helper cancels the offer.
  3. A coordinator deletes the shift.
  4. A coordinator drags the shift on the By Helper view (changing either the date or assignment of the shift.)
  5. The helper unassigns himself from the shift.
  6. A coordinator approves another offer on the shift. (If there are multiple offers on a shift and one is accepted, the others are cleared).

Note that other edits to a Published shift, such as changes to the Description, Color, Category, Position, etc. will not result in the clearing of pending posts and offers.

If the schedule is Unpublished, the schedule is no longer visible to helpers, so all trade postings and offers will become temporarily invisible to helpers, but they will reappear when you re-Publish the schedule UNLESS any change has been made to the shift while unpublished (this includes edits to the Date, Description, Color,Category, Position, Helper Assignment, etc.)

So, changing a shift in any way while the schedule is Unpublished will clear any Tradeboard post or pending offer involving that shift and they will not reappear when published again and the helper will not be notified that the shift was removed from the Tradeboard.